Felix the Lion
by Semper
GRRRRRRRRR! I’m Felix ! and I’m now a Lion !
Felix the Lion is the incarnation of myself in my Lion character.
In my world, everything is now possible !
Discover what I have planned and imagined for you.



I will launch the first collection of 3D & Real Animated NFT.
This collection of 4789 NFT is using real animation capture and 3D animation.
You will discover some NFT with my real artworks which have been recorded in green studio.
Naturally, Felix Semper, always very close and generous with his community, wants to take his art into
the digital world and offer all his universe to his community.
In order to transmit his universe in the best way, Felix has created a new character to his collection,
Felix The Lion.
This NFT will have several uses.
But, first of all, this NFT is a digital artworks of Felix Semper. A unique way to get into Felix Semper’s univers. The first digital collectible artwork of Felix Semper.

My vision
My community
Inside my world
My world
Coming Summer 2022
Be notify for the whitelist registration